The outlook of education and employment in Turkey after 2000: Development plans framework

Ceyda Ozsoy


In development plans, which are prepared every five years, the manpower needs of the country, manpower and employment relations,
resources allocated to formal and non-formal education, distribution of these resources, measures for improving the quality of education and
training are determined. Turkey has applied 9th development plan since the beginning of 2007. In 2006-2007 educational-years, in the education
system there are 19.5 million students, 16 million of which are in the formal education and 2 million of which are in higher education. After 2000,
the working age population, labor force and employment rose respectively. The employment created in Turkey during the 8th Plan period (2001-
2006) has remained less than the increase in working age population and the labor force. Even though the GDP grew at an annual average rate of
4.4 per cent during the 8th Plan period, the total employment increase was realized as 0.4 per cent. Youth unemployment (15-24) had been steadily
increasing since 2000 and reached 18.7 % in 2007. During the Plan period, the education system remained insufficient to meet the requirements
of the labor market. A remarkable reduction in the unemployment rates of young and educated people could not be achieved as well. New
mechanisms that would respond to the demands of the economy and the labor market and, particularly, increase the employability of young
people are needed. In this study, the weak relationship between education and employment was examined in Turkey with the framework of 8th
and 9th development plans.

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